Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fennel Salad

Ciao Bello,

We've put together a tasty and healthy salad recipe for you to try at home......

Fennel Salad

From the Latin feniculum or foeniculum, the diminutive of fenum or
faenum, meaning "hay".

Fennel- A medical miracle plant and defender of spirits

     Hippocrates (remember the physician’s oath) noted fennel could be used
to help women increase their milk supply when feeding.  In fact, a
physcian from the thirteenth century notes in the Book of Physicians
of Myddvai "he who sees fennel and gathers it not, is not a man but a
devil."  Additionally, Pliny (AD 23-79), the Roman author of The
Naturalis Historie believed that serpants ate and rubbed against
fennel because it was able to improve their eyesight after shedding
their skins. His work identified 22 ailments that he treated with
      During medieval times, evil spirits were thought to roam freely as the
sun turned southwards. Fennel, when hung over doorways, was thought to
protect those within from the spirits. Should you insert Fennel seeds
into your keyhole the may aid in protecting your home from ghosts on
any night but particularly Midsummer's Eve.

Estimated Preparation Time: 15 minutes Serves Four

Begin by ‘coring’ the fennel bulbs and then slicing ‘julienne' style.
Slice peppers ‘julienne’ style.
Mix all ingredients in bowl and toss.
Lay out feathers on plate and top with salad mixture

Garlic - 5 cloves
Fennel Bulbs - 6
Yellow Peppers - 3
Red Peppers - 2
Red Wine Vinegar - 2oz
Olive Oil - 7oz
Salt and Pepper - to taste
Feathers - to taste

Buon Appetito!

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